Tuesday, May 5, 2009

2009-2010 Scholarships Awarded

In today’s tough economic times it is harder and harder to fund a quality college education. The Educational Trust was set up to do just that. The Educational Trust began in 1988 by Mark Grubbs. Mark and his wife, Amy, were co-executive directors and former dude ranch owners. Mark’s dream was to establish a fund to give scholarships to young people who wanted to be in the Dude Ranch industry. The scholarship fund has been administered by our Executive Director (s) and the Educational Trust Board of Directors from it’s inception to the present. Each year the DRA Educational Trust awards scholarships to students who will perpetuate the dude ranch industry.

The Educational Trust Board awarded 8 scholarships worth a total of $12,000 for the 2009/2010 school year. The recipients are:

Darcey Anthony - Colorado, Haley Chesser - New Mexico, Spencer George - Colorado, Susannah Jackson - Massachusetts, Kameron Kelsey - Montana, Haley May - Colorado, Kelly Rich - Montana, Steven True - Arizona.

Since the first scholarship was awarded for the 1990-1991 school year, the Educational Trust has awarded a total of $149,000.

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