Monday, July 13, 2009

DRA Horse Safety Program

In 2004 the DRA introduced its first Association defined Horse Safety program. The program has seen a significant level of participation from membership. It is designed to assist ranches in managing risk and establish reasonable standards for the Industry. The Horse Safety Program consists of the DRA Horse Safety and Adaptive First Aid for the Trail Certifications, Certified Wrangler Instructor, and Certified Wrangler and is an endorsed insurance program.

The DRA Horse Safety and Adaptive First Aid for the Trail program reflects the minimum guidelines for member ranches and other trail riding programs related to Horse Safety and Adaptive First Aid for the Trail. This program provides an educational opportunity through a seminar approach. Our goal is to promote continual evaluation of safety procedures and skills to improve the quality of our programs. Currently there are a total of 107 DRA Ranches, Associate Member Ranches and Outfitters Horse Safety Certified.

The Dude Ranchers’ Association Horse Safety Program is the standard for anyone involved in Western Riding Programs. It's been developed by those with more experience and more guest hours in the saddle than any other organization in the world. Summer camps, trail ride operators and Western riding instructors would all greatly benefit by becoming a part of the Dude Ranchers’ Association and taking advantage of the expertise available there. Safe practices not only help provide a better experience for guests and more return riders, operating under policies established by the recognized leader in the field provide insurance companies with a greater comfort level which can lead to lower rates. DRA has an insurance program available to members. Call them and ask for more information.
Allen A. McBride, Camp Mac

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